Two little boys and lots of garbage trucks

Garbage trucks.  Tiny trash cans.  Make-shift trash cans.  Front loader trash trucks.  Trash: stickers, crayons, legos, fabric scraps, blocks, anything that can become small enough to fit in the trash cans.  We have all this in our house and more.  There is often a "landfill" growing somewhere in our house.  Our fleet of mini garbage trucks could clean up an entire imaginary town.

Yep, I'm a mom of boys.  It's pretty fun.  Garbage trucks are awesome.  Playing with tiny trash is so fun.  Have you seen a side arm garbage truck?  We've learned a lot about garbage trucks from silly videos.  We love seeing new and crazy colored dumpsters when we travel.  We happened to see a purple dumpster in Denver once.  Breck almost hugged it.  I never could have anticipated that Breck would become obsessed with all things garbage trucks... and trash.

There was no way I could have anticipated a lot about motherhood.  I tried to get organized for motherhood, but that goes down the drain like the first week I bring these little guys home.  I just take it as it comes.  I love it.  I love all of it, even the cleaning up the tiny trash I find all over my house part.  I praise God for my boys.  I've never felt as fulfilled as I do now, or exhausted.  Each new day brings a new blessing.  I'm so thankful that I get to be Breck and Bowan's mom. Housing a fleet of miniature trash trucks is a great adventure.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.  I'll be back soon.  The boys are asleep so I'm going to clean up.  And, park those garbage trucks in the garage.