Valentine's Day Non-food Treats and Puns

I love Valentine's Day.  The pinks + reds are so cheery + beautiful.  I just love sending the happy Valentines.  I think it's all the pinks.  But, for an allergy mom, another holiday filled with allergenic candies kind takes all the loving feelings out.  The nut-filled chocolates replace the love with the hyper-vigilance that comes with life with severe food allergies.  So, here is a list of 18 non-food Valentine ideas + punny sayings to go with them.

Valentine's Day non-food ideas

Valentine's Day Puns for your Non-Food Treats:

1. Tennis ball: My heart bounces for you.

2. Hair Bow: Put a bow on it.

3. Pencils: Write you on my heart.

4. Heart Person: My heart pumps for you.

5. Heart Sticker: You're stuck on my heart.

6. Feather: You're fly!

7. Elephant Finger Pupet: I hope your Valentine's Day is a TON of fun!

8. Heart Mirror Sticker: You shine!

9. Bow: You tie my heart in knots

10. Eyes: I only have eyes for you.

11. Owl Sticker: Owl always be your friend.

12. Shell: I shell always love you.

13. Zebra: I'm wild about you.

14. Pom Pom Ribbon: You're the pom.

15. Buttons: You're cute as a button.

16. Bow Tie: You're the bow to my tie.

17. Rock Collection: You rock my world.

18. Finger Puppet: I'd be tickled pink if you'd be mine.

*Please note, if a classmate has a latex allergy, latex is often found in the erasers of pencils and in the rubber tennis balls.  A latex allergy can be just as impactful as food allergies.  Latex can be found all throughout our environment.  Kids with latex allergies need to strictly limit exposure to latex, just as nut allergic kids need to strictly avoid exposure to the peanuts + tree nuts.  

When all kids can be included in the Valentine's party or exchange, it is just so much more fun for everyone!  A little thought + pre-planning can make a memorable + safe party for all kids.  Plus, teaching our kids thoughtfulness + compassion early on is what it's really all about.  Right?!

The Valentine's gifts are beautifully packaged in the Minted glassine bags with the Valentine's day stickers.  Adding some ribbon to the packaging makes it even more festive + special.  I love the personalized from stickers, so adorable for the kids.  Write or print out your favorite Valentine's puns + enjoy the exchange of all the pink + red prettiness.  Having the kids write out their own cards is great writing practice.  

Non-food Valentine's day gifts

Valentine's Day is focused on love.  But, isn't love centered on friendship?  Friendship is so important to cherish.  I love this quote on friendship by E.B. White, in Charlotte's Web: "Why did you do all this for me?"  He asked.  "I don't deserve it.  I've never done anything for you."  "You have been my friend," replied Charlotte.  "That in itself is a tremendous thing."

Minted Valentine's Day Allergy Friendly

You rock my world!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Wishing all the kids a happy, safe + inclusive holiday!

Photography By: Lindsey Lee & Co.

Valentine's Day Non-food ideas. Valentine's Day Ideas
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