Bridger's Hospital Photos: 10 Thoughts on a Natural Birth

It's hard to process newborn photos, because it means the moments already happened, they're gone. The memories are so sweet + I'm so thankful for them. But, I have a hard time looking back right away because the moments were all too fleeting.  

newborn feet

Honestly, my three birth experiences have been incredible moments in my life. They surely were painful. I had moments where I thought maybe I couldn't do it. But, I did. And, for me, the recovery was honestly more painful than the births were. But, special they were. Maybe Bridger's birth has a special place in my heart because it just might be the last birth I ever experience. I could barely get out of bed after Bridger was born, let alone hold a camera up. I'm so thankful I caught a few photos of his first few hours. Here's to stepping back in time, three months.

Newborn Photography

Here are some of my thoughts on my three natural birth experiences with my son's Breck, Bowan + Bridger. If you are expecting a new little one soon, maybe something here can encourage + empower you for your upcoming birth:

1. Every birth is unique, no matter how many births you've experienced.

2. At some point it's going to hurt. At some point, it will be over, too.

3. Your heart will grow immensely bigger once you meet your baby, no matter how many babies you already have.

4. You can learn to trust yourself through the process.

5. You're stronger than you think you are.

6. Short births aren't exactly less painful. Work through each contraction as it comes.

7. Your hopes for your baby begin to fill your soul.

8. You are your best advocate. You are your babies best advocate. Listen to that still, quiet voice inside. It's always there.

9. Find someone to tell your birth experience to afterwards, it's so important to process it all.

10. Take the pictures, I promise you won't regret them.

newborn photography

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. -Rajneesh

newborn photography

Birth is not only about making babies. It's about making mothers: strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves + believe in their inner strength. -Barbra Katz Rothman

newborn photography

Although birth is only one day in the life of a woman, it has an imprint on her for the rest of her life. -Justine Caines

freshly picked

Every adventure requires a first step. -Cheshire Cat

newborn photography

It is said that women in labour leave their bodies... they travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies, + return to this world together. -Anonymous

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However much we know about birth in general, we know nothing about a particular birth. We must let it unfold with its own uniqueness. -Elizabeth Nobel

Mamas, you are strong + gifts to your children, just as they are gifts to you. Hold them tight + let them fly. Let's love ourselves through the process so we can teach our kids to do the same. 

Head on over to Instagram to enter to win a pair of Freshly Picked moccs for your precious little one.

Baby moccasins: Freshly Picked

Nursing Robe: Pink Blush

Nursing Supplies: Bamboobies


Photography by:// Lindsey Lee & Co. 


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